1. Prioritize and Choose an Online Program or Course

Determine which subjects your child needs to focus on, in what order they will study them, what topics they need to catch up on, and what they want to learn new. The preference of such online education is the opportunity to choose the subjects your child really needs. There is no longer a need to do such boring and uninspiring tasks like essay writing. “If I need excellent marks, I can pay someone to write my paper but if I need knowledge, I would rather sign up for the courses and get a micro-diploma.” I heard this from my friend from college one day. And you know, he is very successful now. He is from an average family but he knows the price of money and time. That is why he showed me the best college essay writing service, which I still use and recommend to you. Of course, given the number of online courses, you want to take on several disciplines at once, but don’t overburden your child with many courses at once, choose them gradually. Be guided by your child’s abilities, pace, needs, and preferences. Check whether the presentation of the material on the chosen online platform is suitable for him or her. To do this, almost all of them have an opportunity to take a free test assignment to see whether the child suits the program. And remember: it takes time to absorb new information. It is better to look at fewer themes but work with each of them for a longer time.

2. Set a Timetable

To effectively organize the learning process at home, you need to incorporate learning into your child’s daily routine. So that she knows that she is doing 2 hours of Maths in the morning, for example, and taking an online English course, and in the afternoon she is creating a project (making a craft) and reading. Usually, the most productive time to study is in the morning. Although, of course, when making a schedule, be guided by your own child’s characteristics. In online classes and distance learning, you can adjust the workload and schedule flexibly. Learning hours can be a little longer or shorter, depending on the age of the child. It is also advisable to plan out the next day’s activities in the evening and keep the daily timings the same. This will help the child to organize and develop time-management skills. If a young pupil finds it difficult to cope with a certain amount of work, suggest that he or she draw circles on a sheet of paper corresponding to the number of tasks needed and take turns coloring or crossing them out. Complete one task and cross out the circle.

3. Observe the Daily Routine

It will be very difficult for a child to go back to school every day if his schedule is now heavily shifted. Therefore, it is advisable to continue going to bed, waking up, eating, and walking at the same time. The timetable can be combined with chores, ideas for leisure activities, and outings, printed and pinned on the wall (you can make it with pictures, themed stickers, etc.). It will remind your child of their chores for the day and will develop self-control skills. It is important to understand that quarantine is not a holiday. Therefore, it is necessary to try to organize the pupil’s working day properly so that the return from quarantine to school is as comfortable as possible.

4. Organize the Workspace

The workplace has a big impact on the effectiveness of learning. For the child to be able to concentrate on tasks, it is necessary to provide him or her with a comfortable and convenient workplace. After all, learning on the sofa or lying in bed will contribute to distraction and harm the child’s health. So choose and furnish a corner of your home. Your child should be able to use a PC or laptop and have a stable internet connection to access online programs. In addition, the student should have a place in the work area for everything they might need during a typical school day (pens, pencils, notebooks, notebooks, calculators, etc.). The room in which the child will engage in learning activities should be well-ventilated so that the school child can breathe clean air. Don’t forget to provide the necessary conditions for online work and take care of information security (install antivirus software, block unwanted content on websites, etc.). Put a clock on your child’s desk to keep track of time so that the child does not lose track of time.

5. Eliminate Distractions for the Child

A distraction-free environment will allow students to learn effectively and help them feel more relaxed. During your child’s tasks, try to ensure that there is no extraneous noise – turn off the notification on the mobile phone, computer, TV, and radio, and do not talk loudly. Certain background music can help a child get in the mood to learn, but it is important that it is not too loud and becomes a distraction.

6. Take Regular Breaks

When performing tasks, it is important to take short breaks every 25-30 minutes to do visual exercises and drink a glass of water. And every 45-60 minutes, take a break for 10-15 minutes to stretch your arms and legs (dancing, doing sports), avoid eye strain from the computer monitor, and stay focused. After all, learning in small blocks allows the brain to better understand and retain information. And physical activity improves blood circulation and activates physiological processes which contribute to the perception, reproduction, and elaboration of information. In addition to physical exercise, the child can do chores (collect toys, feed the fish, etc.) or play during the break. But it is very important that during the break the child avoids being in front of the monitor (not scrolling through the news feeds of social networks, watching videos, or playing computer games) so that his eyes can get a good rest.

7. Alternate Online Learning With other Learning Activities

This includes not only listening to online lectures or completing assignments on the computer but also working in a notebook, reading books, making projects, and watching and experimenting. It is important to teach your child to take notes for better absorption and memorization of information. And don’t forget to test knowledge after it has been absorbed – let the child answer questions, retell, take tests, and do quizzes. At the same time, “measure” the success of learning by qualitative rather than quantitative indicators. Criteria could be comprehension of rules, accuracy in mathematical operations, literacy in writing, etc. This guides the child towards a real result, not an imitation of one.

8. Motivate your Child to Succeed

Motivation can be different – external (encouragement, such as permission to play on the computer, buy a toy, etc.) and internal – the cognitive interest of the child (which increases from maintaining the curiosity of the child, praise for his achievements, etc.). It’s also important to remember emotional burnout and offer the child to make some days off to accumulate new forces. In such a way you can find some help from the best writing services, while your child will relax with friends. Of course, you can combine both types of motivation, and relaxation too.

9. Communicating with Others

Communication can help to enhance the effectiveness of online learning. You can contact teachers, register on forums, and keep in touch with the parents of your child’s classmates. You can team up and create a group to share useful resources and experiences. The children can have their group where they can ask questions, help each other with tasks, and share their experiences. When doing so, try not to compare your child’s progress with others, as they are all unique and develop at their own pace. Let the children hear your words of encouragement and receive tasks that are appropriate to their level, goals, and needs.

10. Stay Involved in the Learning Process

Stay involved in your child’s distance learning by helping him or her set up a schedule, figure out goals and courses, and set up a daily routine. Younger pupils also need a lot of help from adults at the beginning of online learning. Parents may need to help their child turn on the device, log into the app, read the instructions, click in the right place, enter the answers, etc. However, remember: the older the child is, the more he/she needs to practice on his/her own. From seventh to eighth grade onwards, you should only connect to his or her lessons when necessary. Teenagers are perfectly capable of mastering material, taking tests, and organizing their learning. Create an environment in which your child feels responsible for learning. At the same time, take an interest in their successes, and their impressions of online learning, ask them to share their difficulties, and support their pupil. By staying involved, you will show your child that you are interested in their education, and this will have a direct impact on their grades and increase their confidence. In general, the compelling need for distance learning may convince you that online courses are a great learning tool for your child. They allow her to study at home and absorb new information in an interesting and accessible way.