People who use technology regularly have a higher risk of experiencing a cyber-attack. Let us go back a couple of years; it was the time the yahoo cyber-attack happened where 500 million accounts were affected. Cyber analysts claim it to be one of the deadliest cyberattacks experienced by a company. Another example is the cyber-attack experienced by tech giants Adobe. Whether you are an individual user or multinational company, nobody is safe from a cyber-attack. It is a good thing to be cautious when you use gadgets and the internet. Some form of security must be present that protects you against cyberattacks. If you want to know about cyber-attacks and how to avoid them, this article will be helpful to you. 

Create A Strong And Complex Password

A password is your first line of defense against a cyber-attack. And 60 percent of internet users have weak passwords, but they also end up using the same passwords for multiple internet accounts. They also have a habit of not changing their passwords every once in a while. It puts users at comprise of hackers accessing their passwords, which finishes by giving them access to all their online accounts. Not everybody knows how computer systems work, but hackers know everything. Computer systems are tricky and not easily understandable by a non-specialist. However, if you earn a degree in Information Systems and learn more about it, you will have the knowledge and skills to focus on creating systems security solutions and help your company to streamline their processes. 


A Virtual Private Network (VPN) allows the user to create an encrypted connection, which hides their IP address. It works by providing users with a tunnel between their computer and the VPN service provider server. Whether you are surfing the internet or viewing your timeline on Facebook, a VPN service protects your online from data snoopers through encryption of your location and online communications.

Install An Anti-Virus Program

Whether you are accessing the internet on your computer or mobile, installing an anti-virus will require security from cyber-attacks. Also, always use an anti-virus program when accessing your email. Hackers might send you suspicious emails that contain attachments. If you open an attachment that has a virus present inside it, chances are you will allow a virus to seep into your mobile or computer. Also, do not open any suspicious links that might be present in an email. You have no idea where they lead to and what virus may be waiting for you at the other end of the URL. According to a study done by trend micro, 90 percent of the time, a cyber-attack starts with an email.

Use Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor or multi-factor authentication is a way to secure your online accounts. Passwords are at risk of comprising 80 percent of the time. A multi-factor or two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of protection when you access your online accounts. It requires the user to prove their identity through a two-step authentication process that involves entering a code sent to the user mobile through SMS. Appling a two-factor authentication process is the perfect way to avoid other people from ever accessing your online account, be it social media ones or financial ones.

Keep Your Devices Updated

Hackers are relentless when it comes to finding new ways to infiltrate a computer’s security system. As security systems get more advanced, cyberattacks evolve accordingly. So, you will be thankful after updating your browsers. Make sure that you install the latest browser security patches. These patches ensure that you have the latest level of security from the creator of the browser. As far as your operating system goes, you should update it as quickly as you can. For example, Microsoft releases new security patches every month. So, if you are a Windows user, make sure you install the latest version of windows on your computer.

The Final Words

The safeguarding of personal data is a must for internet users everywhere. Keep in mind that the internet is changing day by day and becoming vulnerable. You might be asking yourself that is your data useful for hackers? If you think the answer to that question is a no, then you are wrong. If you apply these tips, you can rest assured that you have done everything from your end to keep your data safe and secure. So hurry up, and do it as soon as possible!