By 2022, over 90% of companies worldwide will have a mix of multiple clouds or hybrid on-premises and cloud platforms. The scale and flexibility of cloud environments may present a security challenge for organizations trying to manage permissions. As most data breaches happen because of weak credentials, managing entitlements efficiently becomes critical. Let’s explore what CIEM is and why it can be a solution for identity management challenges.

New Challenges on the IaaS market (Cloud Security)

More companies moving to the cloud means more permissions for business users and machine entities to manage. Since the cloud is flexible and continuously growing, the scale of it may cause a lot of unused permissions. Attackers can take advantage of these unused permissions to access a company’s cloud environment. There, they can steal data or disrupt operations. The problem is compounded if the organization has to manage thousands of permissions across multiple clouds. Companies with a hybrid infrastructure find it challenging to find a tool that can manage permissions seamlessly on-premises and on the cloud. Cloud providers’ shared security model only makes the issue more challenging. In this model, you are responsible for handling Identity and Access Management in your cloud environment. Add to that having to manage permissions for multiple clouds or a hybrid environment.

Limitations of Cloud IAM (Cloud Security)

Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management comes to solve those challenges.

What Is CIEM?

Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management is a software solution that implements the principle of least privilege in multi-cloud environments. Least-privilege refers to limit user’s access to resources on an as-needed basis CIEM addresses the limitations of IAM solutions of securing multicloud and hybrid environments. IAM solutions cannot enforce the principle of least privilege at the cloud scale. CIEM solutions help companies manage and monitor the activity of every user in the company environment, even across multiple clouds and on-prem infrastructure. In 2020, Gartner introduced CIEM as a subset of identity governance, categorizing it as an innovation trigger technology.

What problems does CIEM solve?

Poor management of privileged entities. Limitations of Cloud Service Providers IAM features. Managing different security policies across multiple platforms. Occurrence of Cloud Permissions Gap, when entities have too many permissions and leave some of them unused.

How CIEM Reduces Identity Risks in Multicloud Environments?

Why do you need CIEM?

Managing permissions efficiently is a must for keeping environments secure. It offers a more comprehensive solution for cloud-native platforms’ security than existing Identity Management tools. Here are some advantages of deploying a CIEM solution:

Allows businesses to manage privileged permissions across multiple environments. Reduces the security team’s workload by automating identity monitoring and management. Mitigates the risks of excessive permissions through visualizing the level of exposure Reduces the risks of internal threats and data breaches

Wrap Up

CIEM can be the best approach for a cloud security platform that helps organizations manage entitlements compatible with a multi-cloud and hybrid environment. It provides a proactive solution with automation and artificial intelligence capabilities to assess and mitigate risks continuously. In summary, at this moment, where most companies need to manage identity risks for multiple environments, CIEM can be the answer.